5 Throwback Videos That Teach You About Modern IT Concerns

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Satayana

One of the great tragedies of humanity is that we often seem incapable of learning from past experiences. The only way to remedy this is take a look back in time. When it comes to creating a solid IT network, these old commercials offer some surprising lessons.

1.  Make Way for a Mobile Workforce

1977 was a good year that brought us Star Wars, Elvis Costello’s “My Name is True”, and the birth of Shakira. Time flies, but even back then, businesses knew that it was time to adapt to a mobile workforce. The answer? Check out this no-frills, 1977 commercial for the first portable laptop, the IBM 5100.

Today, supporting a mobile workforce is an increasingly important aspect of any IT solution in every industry. Employees who believe their workplace effectively uses mobile tech are more creative, satisfied, and productive at work. And customers always appreciate more responsive service.

2. Plan for Disasters

Many of the physical components of your business are connected to your network. This means they are subject to cyberattacks, natural disasters, and human error, just to name a few network disasters. They might even be turned into a cutting board and/or baking sheet like this gentleman’s Lenovo Thinkpad…


Grandma-proofing isn’t the preparation we most often consider, but it certainly represents the risk of “human error.” Part of creating a killer IT solution is including a backup and disaster recovery plan. This ensures that however you happen to lose your hardware, you don’t lose your data.

3. Get Ahead with Video Conferencing

One in three CXOs agree that video conferencing is essential for operations. Businesses increase productivity and reduce costs when they eliminate travel time in favor of video conferencing. Also in situations like this one, you might just save yourself from a nasty concussion.

Make sure your managed services provider is prepared to accommodate network speeds that support superior conferencing and effective communication.

4. Don’t Forget Physical Security

In order to truly keep your business safe from intruders and insider threats, you’ll want to include physical security solutions in your overall operations. Video cameras, for instance, will enable you to capture theft and, apparently, even the occasional spring shower.

Physical security, including cameras and entry control, has been known to assist in identifying and prosecuting employees for illegal acts, not to mention in deterring theft in the first place. Most people don’t like being caught on camera when they rob someone blind. And your business doesn’t like being caught by surprise by damaging deeds that compromise your data.

5. The Security Is in the Network

Not all perpetrators waltz into your office to do sketchy things in person. Some prefer to work the cyberattack angle. So, on top of creating access control and installing security cameras, you need a hardcore security plan for protecting your network from the inside out.

That’s right. Your network is a target for some of the most heinous activity imagined. If the bad guys had it their way, your network would look something like that cantina in Star Wars where all of the worst specimens in the galaxy tend to congregate, looking for trouble.

You probably cannot imagine all the varieties of digital threats cruising around your network. So, you need to incorporate the right mix of regular maintenance, monitoring, updates and testing to ensure your security plan keeps the “wretched hive of scum and villainy” far, far and away.

What would your video say about IT?

If someone shot a film or commercial about your IT environment, what kind of lessons would it offer? Would it be a laughable farce complete with slapstick tomfoolery, or would it be an insightful mini-documentary portraying the most excellent of practices in modern business technology? If you lean toward that first commercial, then it’s time to have a real chat about your IT solutions.

Give us a shout and we’d be glad to share more. No strings attached.

Network Security: I’m Sorry, But You’re Not on the List

Often, people are curious about how susceptible their networks might be to cyber attacks and other intrusions. Think of it like this, your network is the biggest New Year’s party of 2018. Everyone wants to see what’s going on inside and they’ll do whatever it takes to get in. To keep the party safe and fun, you’re going to need proper network security.

The alternative is not pretty. Your party crashers can cause astronomically high financial losses (think over $40,000 per cyberattack), and your reputation will go down the drain, too. 31% of customers will leave a healthcare business if their data is compromised, for example.

One way to ensure that the bad element stays out of the network is to apply category-based content filters. These work by analyzing individual websites and placing them in specific categories based on their safety level.

Here are a few of the different categories of sites and content that you can filter out. This will help prevent undesirable people from crashing your network and from inviting others to do the same.

Not Safe For Work (NSFW)

Your business has a lot of leeway in this category. The primary distinction for NSFW is websites or emails that contain either written or visual sexual content, drug use, or gratuitous violence.

The nature of these sites will often put them in direct violation of company sexual harassment and/or morale policies. On top of that, NSFW content is very often riddled with viruses, malware, and other cyber threats.

Social Networks

Social Network filters can be customized to fit your specific business needs. For instance, if you find that your employees are spending far too much time on Facebook or Twitter, you can easily block it from employee access. Social networking isn’t intrinsically dangerous, but the platforms often allow an enormous amount of dangerous content to be featured on their sites.

This has been explored to some depth in studies of the recent impact of falsified news on Facebook. In your business, what it means is that your employees can click into a click-bait website (one designed to peak interest without any actual valuable content) and it might lead to a site filled with phishing links or malware.

Phishing Scams

Phishing is one of the most detrimental web scams. Dangerous phishing emails and sites are designed to look like legitimate pages so that you trust them enough to volunteer sensitive personal and financial information.

A phishing filter will examine all the identifying background code and eliminate these sites to keep your employees from accessing these fake pages.

Malicious URLs

When you access a malicious website, you end up involuntarily downloading ransomware, malware, and other cyber attacks onto your network. Filtering for malicious content helps to spot and track these dangers to prevent your employees from accidentally damaging their hardware and your network.

Peer-to-Peer Sites

If you’ve ever had a friend who talks about owning a movie the day it came out in the theater, he’s probably using a peer-to-peer torrent site. Think of the early days of Napster on this one. These sites operate so that people can share information without regulation. They are horrible for network security.

If someone accesses a peer-to-peer site on your business network, they might download a file thinking it is the new Taylor Swift album and end up with computer virus that wipes out your network and costs you up to $100,000 an hour of downtime while you replace equipment and get things running.

Ready to add filters to your network?

We really want your network to feel the most fantastic party of the year in 2018. If you feel the same, it’s probably a good idea to put together a plan to filter out the unsavory cyber elements. Just give us a call or shoot us an email and we’d be happy to share more about network security filters.

Virus vs. Worm: How to Identify and Slay Your Network Monsters

The glossary of adversaries to your network security will continue to grow so long as cyberattacks continue to happen, and the various cyber-monsters can be difficult to differentiate. That being said, two of the most prevalent security threats are easy enough to remember when you compare them to legendary monsters. Enter the virus and the worm.

What they have in common…

Viruses and worms are both cyberattacks that are detrimental to your business. They are also both financial blackholes. In 2016, viruses and worms contributed to $450 billion in financial losses due to cybercrime. On an individual level, cyberattacks can cost businesses up to $40,000 per hour.

The end result for both a virus and a worm is to damage your network and cost you money and time. The primary difference is in their approach.

A virus is like a vampire…

One easy way to conceptualize a computer virus is to think of it as a vampire.

If a vampire wants to infect you with vampirism and turn you into a member of the nocturnal undead, it will require some human error. Just like you might encounter a vampire if you take a shortcut down a dark alley, you might catch a computer virus by visiting a harmful URL or downloading software that isn’t secure. There’s always an element of human participation.

And we all know that a vampire can’t come into your house unless it is invited. That’s exactly how a virus works.

Many times, it’s easy to spot a computer virus. It’s just a little bit out of place. Just like when a vampire comes over to your house wearing his best 1970s “date night” outfit. There’s just something that’s a bit off. Viruses are often given away by emails or URLs that don’t look quite official – anything from misspellings to unfamiliar names to complex Web addresses to simply uncomfortable requests to share or exchange information. If it strikes you as strange, it probably is.

If you fail to see the signs and unwittingly invite a vampire into your house, he/she/it will probably give you a bite, infect you, and you’ll soon be investing a lot of money in sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, and umbrellas.

When you open the door to a computer virus by opening attachments or downloading certain files or programs, it will use that program to overload your system and eat up your random access memory, freeze certain resources or take over certain functionality. This in turn leads to slower computing, crashes, and total destruction of the computer system.

One recent example is the “Bad Rabbit” ransomware virus, which spread from Russia to the USA. Ransomware will famously extort money from users in exchange for data, and the average ransomware attack has risen to $1,077.

Computer viruses act just like the vampire virus. They both require a host to infect their victim, and they both greatly alter the health of their prey.

A worm is like a werewolf…

If a virus is like a vampire, then a worm is like a werewolf.

When werewolves want to attack, they have no intention of waiting for you to invite them inside the house. They enter and they either eat you or they bite you and turn you into a werewolf. This is exactly how a worm works on your network.

Worms are cyberattacks that disrupt your network by exploiting weaknesses and self-replicating. One famous example is the recent WannaCry ransomware attack, which infected more than 300,000 computers in a few days, by using worm techniques to infiltrate Windows and spread across LAN and WAN connections.

Unlike the computer virus, they require no human error. Worms can piggyback in on websites or attachments, and then spread exponentially across your network to other files.

While a virus is dangerous, it is typically isolated to a certain program or system resource. A worm, however, will discover any weaknesses and exploit them.

How to slay your network monster…

The best way to win a fight against a vampire or a werewolf is to a.) avoid inviting them in, and b.) fortify your home against them. Hanging garlic on the windows and carrying a silver sword just in case is always a good idea.

For your business to fight a computer virus or worm, you need to invest in solid preparation and protection for your network. This means having a virus protection plan, training your team and downloading all of the relevant patches on an ongoing basis.

When you work with RWA as your managed service provider, we’ll create a comprehensive solution that will help prevent and combat cyberattacks of all kinds.

Reach out to us to learn more about different cyberattacks and how to stop them.

The Prescription for a Perfect Managed Service Provider

Managing the health of a network can be a lot like managing your own health. If you want to be super healthy, you’ll make sure to do the right exercises, take the appropriate vitamins, and avoid possible risks. The same goes for managing a network. Here’s our prescription for what to look for in the Managed Service Provider that’s right for you. Check off everything on this list and you’ll be closer to an ideal IT support solution.

Pick an MSP that has experience in your industry.

Every industry has specific business needs and challenges. Many IT service companies will offer solutions that are the network equivalent of those modular homes that popped up all over the place in the 1950s. Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all approach to networking just doesn’t work when one business is a hotel and the other is a hospital. Often, the result of a makeshift network is large-scale data compromise.

The Ponemon Institute found that 64 percent  of patient medical files were successfully targeted by cybercriminals in 2016. Since medical data is not the only type of information commonly compromised, a healthcare company would want a Managed Service Provider who understands their special risks and vulnerabilities. An MSP that has worked with companies in your industry is far more equipped to build a customized solution that will meet your every need and protect your data

Pick an MSP that offers full-service support

You all have a friend that has “a guy” for everything. He has one “guy” who will come over and spend time physically connecting a network. He’ll have another “guy” who pops in for repairs, and yet another “guy” for those late-night server issues. When you pick an MSP, you want to just have the one “guy” to call – one who is backed by a team of specialist “guys” who can handle whatever you need and guide you through challenges.

Think of your MSP as your morning multivitamin. Instead of swallowing 19 pills, you’ll just have the one to keep you healthy and strong. The best MSP for your business should offer security and threat management, networking monitoring, and cloud services.

Pick an MSP that is available for you

A managed service provider may have all of the capabilities you are looking for, but it won’t do you much good if certain technicians are only available during limited hours. High on your checklist should be a company’s ability to support you after hours, during an emergency and just whenever you need some planning assistance. The best MSPs are just like the best doctors; they work on a preventative basis to stop problems before they happen. That being said, just like you’ll sometimes need to make an urgent appointment, you want to make sure your MSP is set up to give you the right assistance during on-call situations.

In any industry, downtime is a disaster. A survey by ITIC reports “98% of organizations say a single hour of downtime costs over $100,000; 81% of respondents indicated that 60 minutes of downtime costs their business over $300,000. And a record 33% of enterprises report that one hour of downtime costs their firms $1 million to over $5 million.” These are the numbers you want to think about when you are considering your MSP’s availability.

We’d be happy to give your network a check-up. Please give us a call or send us an email to see how we check out.

The Difference Between Managed Services and Break/Fix

When it comes to IT support, there are two main schools of thought. You wait for things to break, and then subsequently fix them – a service model known as “break/fix”.

With managed services, you employ the services of a managed service provider who watches over your IT infrastructure for you. They actively maintain and monitor your devices and software before they break.

There are several differences between the two styles. Wondering which one is the right one for you? Let’s go over what they can do for you.

The Break/Fix Method

There’s not much to misconstrue when it comes to break/fix because it works exactly as the name implies. When something in your IT infrastructure malfunctions, it’s up to you to contact your service provider. From there, they must then fix the problem while you wait.

Break/fix was the old way of doing things.

Back in the early days of IT, most businesses simply didn’t have a need for constant support because they didn’t have that much that could break. Obviously, that has dramatically changed. However, some companies still insist on the tried-and-true method – mostly because they’re too stubborn to change.

Choose Break/Fix if:

  • You have plenty of money to spare on expensive issues
  • You don’t really have any technology in your office that needs maintenance
  • You are okay with suffering from downtime, whenever it strikes
  • You have a full team of IT experts on-site that can fix issues as they arise
  • You can wait around for technicians to troubleshoot and then resolve whatever issues arise

The Managed Services Model

When your IT infrastructure is actively monitored 24/7, there’s not much that can go wrong. Anything that does go wrong is quickly dealt with. Rather than being reactive, like break/fix service, managed services chooses to go about a proactive service model.

With the rise in usage of various devices, multiple specialized programs, and a generally more advanced IT infrastructure, managed services have become far more popular than break/fix. Forbes highlighted four ways managed services transform small and medium-sized businesses: “improved operational performance, reduced operational risk, cost avoidance and accelerated innovation.”

Managed services are more reliable and cost less as a whole, providing a win-win for both modern businesses and managed service providers.

Choose Managed Services if:

  • You want set, flat, agreed-upon fees that occur on a regular monthly basis
  • You want access to experienced technicians around the clock
  • You want to outsource your IT department to save money (or even keep your IT department, but supplement them with managed service technicians)
  • You have guaranteed system uptime backed by a binding SLA
  • You want a constant sense of stability for your organization’s IT infrastructure

Managed Services for the Future

When stacked against one another, the victor is in plain sight. Break/fix approaches are simply not fit for the modern technological environments of most businesses. With managed services, companies can get the ongoing maintenance and support they need at an overall lesser price.

The IT partner you choose to work with is just as important.

At RWA, we’re ready to show you how much better managed services can be. We’ve got a staff with plenty of industry experience and IT know-how, and we want to use it to help your organization. Learn more about us by visiting our website. Or if you’d like to see how we can start working together now, reach out to us today.

Why Business Technology Cannot Be a One-Size-Fits All Approach

You’ve personalized your smartphones to your preferences. You’ve taken the time to select the different applications that you wanted, and you’ve likely customized their settings to match your preferences. In other words, your phone is completely your own.

But imagine if you were suddenly handed another person’s phone, and you were told to use it.

You would be baffled. Sure, some things would be the same, such as the basic features and options – but you’d have to sort through the vastly different customizations. Since it’s not your phone, you’re probably going to find yourself frustrated with the lack of options that cater to you.

Of course, that’s thinking in a small-scale scenario. Imagine the same type of scenario, but with a corporation’s business technology. Handing two separate businesses the same set of software and hardware solutions simply is not going to work.

There are plenty of things in this world that are one-size-fits-all. However, business technology is just not one of them. Each company has their own unique requirements for their technology, based on several different factors.

Let’s explore some of them.

Difference in Size

Naturally, the sheer amount of physical machines and number of software licenses will vary greatly depending on the organization’s size. Smaller companies typically require more robust machines that can handle multiple jobs (such as multifunction printers). These hardware solutions cut down on costs and increase efficiency. Larger companies may need hundreds of machines, where cost per unit is not necessarily as much of an issue.

In a similar vein, you must also consider software licensing. Many software applications operate on a per-user basis, which means that they are tiered differently depending on the number of users. This is a major reason why a singular solution for businesses of different sizes will simply not work.

Difference in Compliance Regulations

Different businesses must comply with specialized regulations. For example, companies working within the medical industry must take great care to meet the requirements set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Certain software is geared towards being compliant with HIPAA, and is therefore highly beneficial to medical businesses.

Such software would probably be useless to someone in an accounting firm. Instead, accountants will likely value a software that ensures consistency between financial statements and adheres to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

The accounting and healthcare fields are wildly different, so no two software application will fully match their compliance needs. They need individualized business technologies that can keep them compliant in their own respective fields.

Difference in Allocatable Resources

Perhaps the most apparent reason that companies cannot have the same business technology is their available resources. Each business has a set budget that they can allocate to business technology. Therefore, a one-size-fits-all plan would be unfeasible for two companies of different budgets.

Customized Business Technology with RWA

Having the proper business technology in place that meets your company’s needs is critical to your overall success. We’ve gone over three good reasons as to why a one-size-fits-all plan simply won’t work.

But what can you do about your business technology needs?

For starters, you can partner with us. We’ll work to build you a truly custom technology infrastructure that meets your specific needs. Let’s have a chat today to talk about improving your business technology.

Who Provides IT Support for Your Business When Your IT Guy Is on Vacation?

It’s 9:30 in the morning and your computer is already giving you trouble. Unfortunately, your trusty IT guy left yesterday for his Alaskan cruise – and there’s no WiFi on the ship.

What do you do now?

If you have nobody else to turn to, you are completely on your own. However, there’s a much smarter IT support option for you and your company.

A skilled managed service provider.

A managed service provider can give your organization the IT support that it needs, with several major benefits. Let’s take a look at exactly what these benefits are and how they affect your business.

Cost savings.

It may be surprising to learn that having outsourced IT can save your company a lot of money. Outsourced IT support technicians don’t require individual salaries, benefits, or holidays. They also skip any training costs, which can be very expensive.

How it benefits you:

Hiring a managed service provider for IT support gives you the power to leverage IT experts for a fraction of the price of actually hiring them. You’ll receive higher quality IT support, and you can use the money you save to invest in parts of your business that are more growth-oriented.

Around-the-clock support.

Much like the scenario listed at the beginning of this post, you may run into this problem with in-house IT support. With a managed service provider, you have a guarantee that IT support is available to you at any time that you require it.

Why it matters to you:

Having IT support at any time means that you and your employees gain more control over both your company and your work. Now you’re free to work at any time without fear of being stopped by after-hour errors. With a managed service provider, you can improve your organization’s productivity and gain peace of mind knowing you have IT support whenever you need it.

Always compliant.

Compliance is a big issue in the world of business. Keeping policies current with changing regulations is the number one challenge for 47% of organizations. A skilled managed services provider will follow a strict set of guidelines to keep your IT compliant and in line with recent regulation changes.

What it means for you:

Not following compliance rules can lead to costly fines and lawsuits. With a managed service provider, the burden is lifted off of you. You can focus on growing your business and doing what is important to you.

Finding the perfect IT support for you.

Locating the best-managed service provider to meet your needs can be difficult. You’ll need to find one that is knowledgeable, experienced, and honest.

Your managed service provider should never attempt to oversell solutions you don’t need just for the sake of selling technology. They should also have a track record of under-promising and over-delivering – on time and on budget.

RWA is that kind of managed service provider. Working with us will guarantee the best IT support possible, while giving you all of the benefits that come with a great IT partner. Contact us today to learn how we can help grow your company and better your IT infrastructure as a whole.

Yahoo Data Breach – Steps You Need To Take

On September 22nd, Yahoo! announced the largest breach of private account information we’ve seen to date. You can read their statement here. A state-sponsored attack compromised account data from 2014 for over 500 million Yahoo! accounts.


What’s happening? Why does it matter?

Whenever you create an account at most websites, your password will be encrypted as a “hashed password” and stored. When you log in again, it will compare your password against that hashed password to see if it matches.

The problem with the Yahoo data breach is that criminals don’t need to compromise your account by logging in repeatedly. With a massive database of hashed passwords, they can test it against common passwords at will, looking for anything that matches. As shown in the simplified example below, they’ll start with simple dictionary attacks and common passwords. When they get a match, they will attempt to log in to Yahoo and other websites using those same passwords.


What should I do?

Change your Yahoo! password.

You never know that a hacker found a match for your password in the database until it’s too late.

If you’ve used your Yahoo password at other websites, change those passwords as well.

Hackers know that most people share passwords across multiple websites.

Don’t use the same password on multiple websites.

There are several modern applications, including KeyPass, that can manage multiple website passwords on your behalf.

Don’t use predictable passwords.

Sophisticated hackers can single out your account and take an educated guess at your password. Using variations of words and numbers that are important to you, they can test your password without having to face multiple layers of security.

Expect Weird E-mails

Never send personal information to people you don’t know over e-mail. Any profile changes should be done directly on the website, and they should always have a certified security certificate. Expect a flood of scammers to come out of the woodwork over the next few months.

In Yahoo’s own words – “The company further recommends that users avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious emails and that they be cautious of unsolicited communications that ask for personal information.”

Turn on two-factor authentication.

2FA generally requires password or PIN in conjunction with something you have, such as a mobile phone, OTP keys, or a smart card. This extra factor of authentication greatly improves the security of any of your accounts.

RWA can enable and support 2-factor authentication for your business over Windows 10, Office 365, and Azure AD. As a Certified Microsoft Partner, we’re ready to support you in your journey to the cloud and beyond. Contact us today for more information on our latest offerings.

What’s New in Windows 10

When Windows 10 arrived 12 weeks ago, many Microsoft customers were excited, but more than a few were confused about what to expect. We hope this blog post will help ease concerns for those who haven’t upgraded yet, and explain some of the changes for the more than 10 million people who’ve already upgraded.


Upgrading to Windows 10 is free, but only for a limited time.

Microsoft is offering free upgrades for the year starting July 28th for anyone running most editions of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Window 8.1.

Universal Apps

With Windows 10, Microsoft is introducing their Universal App platform, extending the touch-screen experiences introduced with Windows 8 and Surface devices. Universal Apps are built to adapt to the device, whether it be a desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, or something more. These software packages are self-contained and don’t require full access to the system for installation, reducing security concerns for our enterprise and medical customers.


Continuum technology senses when you are interacting with a keyboard, mouse, or touch screen device and adapts to provide the best experience. Recent demos from Microsoft on Nokia 950 phones show that they aren’t merely making data and apps available to phones, but that you can have a complete desktop app experience by connecting keyboards, video, and mice to a mobile phone.

10212015_2The Start Menu

While the full-screen Start menu is still there if you want that experience, Microsoft brought back the Start Menu and extended it with Live Tiles and the Cortana digital assistant.

Microsoft Edge

Internet Explorer is still part of the operating system for compatibility reasons, but has largely been replaced with a brand new browser called Microsoft Edge. They’ve largely removed the plugin functionality, reducing the malware’s ability to attack your PC.

System Requirements

Microsoft hasn’t changed system requirements for this release, so if you’re already running Windows 7 or 8, your computer is ready for Windows 10. Minimum requirements are a 1 GHz processor, 16GB hard drive space and 1GB of RAM. RWA does not recommend anything less than 32 GB hard drive.

Power Tips from RWA IT Pros

  • Don’t enable WiFi sense unless you are comfortable with the notion that friends and family might be able to access the internet through your home router, or the fact that Microsoft is storing your WiFi password somewhere in the cloud.
  • When you’re first installing Windows 10, select custom install rather than express install so you can adjust the privacy settings to your liking.
  • Windows Explorer has been slightly modified with Home, Share, and View tabs as well as a quick access button.
  • Gain instant access to the control panel and other tools by right-clicking on the Start button, or by typing Windows+X on the keyboard.

We’ve also compiled a list of our favorite Windows 10 shortcuts below:
• Windows Key – Tab : Task View
• Windows Key – C : Cortana
• Windows Key – S : Daily Glance for weather, news, sports
• Windows Key – Right – Up : Move app to top right quadrant
• Windows Key – Up and Down : Snap apps to top or bottom of screen or maximize.
• Windows Key – Ctrl – D : New virtual desktop
• Windows Key – Ctrl – Left or Right : Switch virtual desktop
• Windows Key – Ctrl – F4 : Close virtual desktop

We plan to post additional tips and tricks over the next few months, so keep checking in with RWA here at our website, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Microsoft Server 2003 End Of Life

Windows Server 2003 End of Life - Final Week

What does end of support mean for you? After July 14, Microsoft will no longer issue security updates for any version of Windows Server 2003 . . . that is only one week away!!!  Once support ends, your organization will almost certainly fail to meet industry wide compliance standards. Regulations such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX & Dodd-Frank all require regulated industries to run on supported platforms.

RWA has the answers.  It is still not too late to migrate away from Server 2003.  Just give us a call so we can help you stay current and secure!

817-358-1730, 877-385-1928 Toll Free, or info@rwacentral.com